INSPIRATION – School of Leadership | Pakistan

Pour en savoir plus :
Youth working with us, whether in the organisation or outside, wanted to pursue their passion and found an incubation space in our empowering environment. With SoL as their stepping stone, they launched themselves into the world and began to do great things in their respective domains.


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Notre époque

L’Indice du Progrès Social — Les Echos — avril 2013 Value of countries listed firms – The Economist – Janvier 2014 Lettre annuelle– Gates Foundation – 2014 On the evolution…
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Inspiration: StoryCorps

La mission de StoryCorps est de fournir aux gens de toutes origines et croyances la possibilité d’enregistrer, partager et préserver les histoires de nos vies. L’objectif étant pour chacun de se souvenir…
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