Inspiration (Blog Cover)

ALTSCHOOL : School, reimagined


Personalized education provides kids with the skills and tools they need for the 21st century, at their own pace, while taking under consideration the student’s interests and preferences.

AltSchool’s approach focuses on providing teachers, parents and students with the necessary technology that would allow them to collaborate on developing an educational system based on each kid’s capabilities. The system encourage kids to learn as individuals as well as in groups by providing them with a space where they’re free to learn and create without being judged by a teacher or a classmate.

AltSchool is an education model in which a kid can reach their full potential so that they can successfully navigate the world beyond school.

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أنترنيت الأشياء جايا لينا – ترجمة : إقبال بوزيان

النص الاصلي باللغة الانجليزية : هنا شعب الموتشي هو شعب عاش فالساحل الشمالي للبيرو قبل من الغزو الإسباني للقارتين الأمريكيتين بمدة طويلة. كانوا كايزرعوا الذرة و الكورجيط، بناو معابد، و…
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Inspiration (Blog Cover)

UnCollege fournit des ressources pour les étudiants qui souhaitent définir leurs propres voies de formation, que ce soit dans ou en dehors des modèles traditionnels d’enseignement supérieur.
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Epoque (Blog Cover)

Fluicity – Nouvelle citoyenneté

Fluicity est une plateforme e-démocratie qui vise a simplifier l’accès à la citoyenneté. Elle utilise les technologies de l’information et la segmentation de données pour renforcer les liens entre les élus locaux et leurs citoyens.
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