MOMKIN – DÉBAT : The Top 10 Skills People Want to Learn in 2019 and How to Learn Them


 MOMKIN - DÉBAT : The Top 10 Skills People Want to Learn in 2019 and How to Learn Them

Les participants ont lu et discuté un article publié sur Medium par Danny Forest, le créateur de la plateforme d’apprentissage de compétences SkillUp Ed

Dans son article, Danny nous fait part des 10 premières compétences que les gens ont déclaré vouloir apprendre dans le cadre du programme SkillUp your Life durant l’année 2019. Sur la liste des compétences, le Dessin est classé 10ème, alors que l’Écriture se trouve en première position. Entre les deux, d’autres compétences ont été citées, telles que, la photographie, l’apprentissage de l’Espagnol, la programmation, la méditation, … 

Voici ce qu’en pense Firdaous : 

“In his article, « Danny Forest », talks about the top 10 skills people want to learn in 2019 according to his program « Skill Up Your Life » and shares with us his method to learn more skills faster.

His method to learn fast is to break down skills to sub-skills. In this way we can easily learn faster.

The top one skill people want to learn in 2019 is « writing ». As Danny put it : writing is arguably the most important way to communicate ideas from one person to another.

After writing, people want to learning « How to learn ». People usually think they know how to learn but they probably don’t. When we start learning a skill with the difficult things, we lose our motivation and give up or we continue but we take a lot of time to learn.

The third skill people want to learn is « Public speaking » because most people are afraid to talk in front of the public.

Then comes programming : learning to code, to create software and hardware.

« Spanish » is the language most people want to learn in « Skill Up » program as 22 countries in the world speak it. 

After Spanish, people want to learn how to meditate. Danny describes « Meditation » as learning  to control the quality of our mind. 

Then comes « Photography », « Playing Guitar », « Being More Productive » and the last skill is « Drawing ».

I liked this article and the method of the « Skill Up » program because it will be useful to learn more skills fasted. After reading this article I started following the « Skill up your life » program and I am hoping to get the same results as Danny did.”

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