

Voici une vidéo sur laquelle ont travaillé les jeunes de MOMKIN, un court métrage nominé pour les Oscars 2018. Ils ont été invités a écrire un texte en 100 MOTS sur la video, un exercice d’écriture que font les participants une fois par semaine.

Lien vers la video : Ten Meter Tower

Voici le texte de Asma Achmahou participante au programme MOMKIN :

“Ten meter tower” is the best video i have seen so far. As it reflects a special moment in our lives in which we experience all types of emotions at once, fear, courage, recklessness… tears … heart beats… that moment when we have to take a crucial decision that may determine how our life would be next. When i was watching the video i have noticed that there was many kinds of people. Those who just  jumped spontaneously, others who felt afraid and hesitated and took more time to jump, and those who supported each other in such a difficult situation.

That video simply shows us how life works. Despite our fear and doubts we just have to take that step.

By Asma Achmahou


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