Inspiration (Blog Cover)

Réseaux sociaux : que pensent les parents américains ?


Que pensent les parents américains de l’impact des réseaux sur : le bien-être émotionel, les relations sociales, la concentration, le comportement et la performance scolaire de leurs enfants ?
Abdelouahed partage avec nous son opinion :

For me it doesn’t make difference in what comes to the emotional well-being or to my behavior. But it hurts my physical activity, face-to-face communication, the ability to focus because I get distracted easily. I think Social Media helps a lot my relationships with my friends because I am always on contact with them.

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Inspiration (Blog Cover)

The Dynamic School

Ramïn Farhangi, a former high school math teacher, created an alternative school called “The Dynamic School” in Pars, the 13th, based on two concepts. The first is FREEDOM: kids are…
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