Dans la situation que nous vivons actuellement, nous invitons nos participants à enrichir leur utilisation du temps. C’est dans cette optique que nous avons partagé avec eux pour une séance de débat, la lettre On Saving Time tirée d’un ensemble de 124 lettres qu’avait rédigées Sénèque à son ami Lucilius en l’ans 63-64. Dans celle-ci, Sénèque exprimait à son ami l’importance de maîtriser son temps et de rendre chaque heure utile.
Voici le texte de Kamal :
“In the letter “On saving time” Seneca addresses his friend Lucilius about the importance of saving time and how to spend your time on meaningful things.
To link what Seneca said ages ago and today, we are still losing time through circumstances that are out of our control. Such as, emergencies, study and for self enjoyment. But to waste time on meaningless things like, surfing the net and useless activities is disgraceful.
People say that there is always tomorrow or next year, that they are going to live that far and that death is not coming yet. But Seneca says that death is happening right now, every moment we live, every moment passes, things die.
Seneca also urges Lucilius to change his actions and to protect his time before it’s too late. He also doesn’t like the idea of losing time over things that can be replaced like, money and goods because as he said: “Time is the one load which even a grateful recipient cannot repay.” Because you can pay for anything, except that time you lost.
For me, this letter taught me to control and appreciate the time that I’m having right NOW, because you’ll never get it back and you don’t know what time is hiding for you in the future. Maybe this is your only chance to change that future for the better.”