DÉBAT – Comment ne pas passer trop de temps sur les réseaux sociaux


Les réseaux sociaux nous volent une trop grande partie de notre temps. Lors de l’une de leurs séances de débat, nos jeunes en ont discuté en se basant sur l’article “Spending too much time on social media? Do this instead”.

Voici l’opinion de Maryame :

“The article presents a list of things that we can do instead of roaming through social media. Time is one of the most valuable resources that can never be replaced. So, we should employ it in beneficial activities which add value to our living.

Time is a limited resource. By this, it’s very important to rethink of the way we use it. For example, instead of wasting it in nonsenses, irrelevant information and toxic behavioural patterns, we can merely re-invest it in determined activities which drive us closer to our long-term goals.

It’s true that it’s impossible to abandon definitively social media because of all advantages that it offers to us. but, once we use it excessively,  It becomes a barrier to reach our goals. In this regard, tapping into useful online information can be a great solution for mixing fun and work.

Personally, I spend less than two hours per day roaming through social media. I try for the maximum to learn new thing by watching scientific videos, reading articles in other language etc. Actually, I keep myself far from irrelevant information and futility because It just absorbed my time, my energy, and I gain nothing behind it . 

As a summary, things we consider small could make a big difference over time. More we spend time in learning new skills and knowledge, more we build up ourselves for a better tomorrow.”

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