
Ridouane Tansouft et Najah Mateen, respectivement inscrits aux programmes MOMKIN et SIT Study Abroad, ont fait un exposé durant la séance DARDACHA. L’exposé a traité l’article “Out of poverty, into the middle class” publié sur The Hechinger Report. L’article traite le sujet des soft skills et leur importance dans l’économie de demain.

Voici ce qu’en pense Najah :

On Thursday April 19, 2018 I had the privilege of being a part of a presentation at Connect Institute on the topic of soft skills. My presentation focused on why having soft skills is an asset for job-seeking youths in the United States. First, I explained what soft skills are. The term “soft skills” usually refers to people skills, or the ability to work well with people as well as the ability to solve problems, and some examples of these skills include critical thinking, communication, and teamwork, to name a few.

I then spoke on how the world we are living in is very tech-centered, and jobs are constantly changing. Many jobs once performed by people are being done by machines, so many jobs are becoming obsolete. However, soft skills will alway be needed. Also, for young people fresh out of college with a degree, possessing soft skills shows employers that not only do these students have the knowledge to complete tasks, they have developed personalities that will make them great employees.

This is not to say that hard skills, or job specific skills, are not important. They are, which is why individuals continue to pursue degrees. However, soft skills are transferable and useful in almost any career. These days, employers are looking for a combination of both hard and soft skills, which is why the youth should educated themselves as well as continue to develop their soft skills.

My presentation also included some of my personal experiences. Many students in the United States take on jobs while they are in school. Not only are these jobs a source of income, they are usually an opportunity to develop soft skills, even if the job is not in a high paying field. I have held a job, as a math and history tutor even though I am studying International Studies. I got a chance to develop my soft skills while working since I was a part of a team, and we had to work together. I also was presented with many problems to solve that required critical thinking.

I hope my presentation was informative and I’m grateful to Connect Institute for allowing me to share part of my experience as a college student in the United States.”

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