CULTURE GÉNÉRALE – A quoi ça sert ?


La culture générale n’est pas une simple accumulation de savoir dans de nombreux domaines. Elle apporte aussi beaucoup de bénéfices à notre vie quotidienne.
Après avoir visionné une vidéo où deux lycéens français nous expliquent ce que la culture générale leur apporte tous les jours, nos participants nous envoient leurs propres arguments en faveur de la culture générale.

Voici le texte de Saïd :

“After watching the video, everyone had to list the five most important advantages of having a general culture knowledge.

For mine, I didn’t list five but two who seem important to me:
Knowing more things makes you know how little you know. Thus, intellectual humbleness and knowing ones place in the world.
By being well informed about a variety of subjects, you detect fallacies, biases and the generally false, but accepted, pseudo-truths.

What kind of knowledge we should seek can be a whole subject for another session. But, if we don’t know where to start… It is possible to resort to books and lists written by experts and gradually with time we should have the ability to detect what is essential and what is trivial in our quest for knowledge and discovery.”

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