» Thank you for inviting me to the Connect Institute on 28 April. How stimulating it was to interact with a group of dynamic, curious and enthusiastic young people! I was…
« Ce qui est important dans ce que vous faites, c’est que vous aidez à l’épanouissement des jeunes… Vous leur ouvrez la possibilité de se cultiver, de s’ouvrir, de travailler ensemble,…
Sara Anayani– [21 years old – Tan Tan – Graduate in English Studies] During her first interview, she could not speak loud enough. Sara began rehearsing every week with Connect…
Mohamed Amerraq – [24 years old – Anza – Baccalaureate level] Mohamed undergoes a lot of pressure from his parents to work and make money. They never cared for his…
Latifa Bella – [24 years old – Dcheira – Ibn Zohr University] Latifa never thought that she would be able to make animation videos. With our support, encouragement and training,…