Michael Zammit Cutajar

Témoignage – Michael Zammit Cutajar


” Thank you for inviting me to the Connect Institute on 28 April.  How stimulating it was to interact with a group of dynamic, curious and enthusiastic young people!  I was inspired.  It touched my heart.

I am impressed by your vocation at the Connect Institute.  Gathering young people who might otherwise be aimless, you give them tools for life and the hope to use them.

Since your buzz words all start with “CI-“, I offer you some more: ciOpportunity!  ciHope!  ciJoy!
Please give my affectionate greetings to all at the Institute.”

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Connect Institute

Rendez-vous à venir

Ce mois d’octobre sera probablement le plus chargé de cette fin d’année avec 3 FEED, 2 sorties AIR, 1 édition de TARAB, et 4 CAFE hebdomadaires. Le rendez-vous à ne surtout pas rater reste cependant la journée d’ouverture du programme EMY !
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