Connect Institute

Deux autres histoires de réussite


Mohamed Amerraq – [24 years old – Anza – Baccalaureate level]

Mohamed undergoes a lot of pressure from his parents to work and make money. They never cared for his education and he thus dropped out of school. Mohamed is multi-talented in music and we encouraged his passion through enrolling him in edART, education through art, to enhance his skills and realize his dream.

Fatima-Zahra El Hafa – [22 years old– Ouled Teima – Graduate in mathematics]

Prior to Connect Institute Fatima Zahra didn’t read enough. She is becoming an avid reader thanks to the weekly reading exercise. She reads an average of 200 pages a week.

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Dans le cadre du programme Media Art Morocco (MAM) en partenariat avec Digital Marrakech, les participants ont démontré leurs talents et leur créativité lors des workshop de scénographie et de…
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