Les participants au programme MOMKIN lisent des livres, rédigent des textes et communiquent leurs opinions par vidéo.
Y a-t-il un lien entre toutes ces actions qu’ils mènent chaque semaine ?
Lors d’une séance de débat (DARDACHA) la question a été posée. Les jeunes se sont constitués en petits groupes pour réfléchir ensemble et apporter leur réponse.
Voici le texte de Asma :
In DARDACHA session for this week, we were asked to choose a paragraph in a book we have read and an article, so as the 20sec video we made, and try to make link between the three aspects working in partners.
Here is the list of three items we have chosen:
1.Book: « les tribulations du dernier Sijilmassi » by Fouad Laroui.
Extrait : ‘’ tout ce que je voulais te prouver c’est que chacun est persuadé que sa façon de comprendre l’islam est la seul valable. Or tous ne peuvent pas avoir raison en même temps. La meilleure façon de vivre ensemble est donc que chacun croire ce qu’il veut dans son coin, son vouloir convertir les autres. …
- le diable est dans la discussion avec des gens comme toi, Hassan II a eu raison d’interdit la philosophie.’’
2.Article : « Le transfert d’Averroès – Extraits » by Abdelfattah Kilito
3.Question de 20 seconds : A votre avis, qui est responsable du chômage des jeunes ?
We find that the key words that summarize these aspect is the words education against ignorance,
The conversation between Adam and Abdelmoula, two characters in the novel, express the way of thinking of the majority of people who chooses to think only in the small box they prisoned themselves in it, explaining the world depending on their narrowed limited vision and believing that it is the ultimate truth, while refusing to open their eyes and spirit to see the world from another perspective.
It is the same case for the article that talks about the transfer of the grave of Averroès from Marrakech to Cordoba taking his precious books with him which was big loss for Morocco,
It reflects the refusal of philosophy and education and replacing it by religion. This emphasizes the ignorance of people who are unable to look into the world from different angles but chooses only one interpretation,
The elimination of philosophy means excluding the spirit of freedom and taking off the ability of critical thinking so as the sense of creativity, this was graved deeply in the system of education of Morocco during years, which produced a whole generation who are dependent and unable to think out of the box. The lack of culture and proper education has limited their abilities,
We can notice that clearly in the amount of jobless people around the country, who are unfortunately Bachelor and PHD holders. But still don’t try to look for alternative ways and project to save their future.
By Asma Achmahou