Inspiration (Blog Cover)

Will Shakespeare (April 23 1564 – April 23 1616)



April 23  1564  —  April 23  1616

Shakespeare 2

to his fellow players–
Mr. Shakespeare spelled his name
Several ways
And never studied the subject
In his 8 years of schooling
(Yes only 8)
He read Latin and Ancient Greek
Histories, Myths, Poetry, Plays
In their Original Languages
English was not studied
       It was the language of the people
Kind of like Darija today
Lucky Lucky Will
Free of constraints
English was in flux
Changing Fast
Will could
Play with words
Make new words
Coin vivid expressions

And oh

He might find it
To know he was actually
at Universities
After all
He was but a
“Poor Player who struts and frets
His HOUR upon the stage”
You see
He didn’t write for books
He wrote parts for his friends
He wrote parts for himself

William Shakespeare

Wrote plays for those in fancy seats
And also
For those who had to stand —

The “groundlings”

By Golly
This Actor
And his pals
Owned their own theatre
And who was his greatest fan?
Why Queen Elizabeth
Her Royal Self
And how did this Being
Of 16th Century England
This son of a glove maker
Come to know such extremes
Of Human Nature—
The depraved evil of an Iago
The hard earned wisdom of a King Lear
The appreciation of the “monster” Caliban
For “sounds and sweet airs that give delight”

And in Stratford

As a boy
How did he come to feel
So at home in nature
So ready to name all the
Flowers, herbs,

Each bit of greenery


He grew up with

Some miracle, was it ?

That gave us
A mirror
400 years later
Reflects our nature
Through indelible characters

In stories we can’t forget

Thanks WILL
For Being With Us

In our brief

HOUR upon the Stage
By Rosalia

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