Visite de M. l’Ambassadeur des USA


Journée mémorable ce lundi 19 septembre. M. Dwight Bush, ambassadeur des États-Unis au Maroc, nous a rendu visite une deuxième fois en moins de dix mois.
Ambiance détendue, échanges substantiels, conviction partagée par M. l’ambassadeur et nos jeunes que notre programme marche et donne de bons résultats.

For the second time this year, Mr. Dwight Bush, the United States Ambassador to Morocco, came to Connect Institute on the 19th of September, a place that he admitted felt like home.


During his visit, Mr. Bush, was attentive to the participant’swords, and advised them to focus on three skills: reading, writing, and being athletic through commitment to physical activity and engagement with othersin a team; skills that he thinks every young person should acquire andthat he,himself, sought while looking for employees and such.

He told the young participants to always “Stay true to your passion”,and to have the courage to assess your position: know what you have, what you need and how to get it.

“We invest in success” these were the words Mr. the Ambassador used to describe one of the main reasons why he encourages Connect Institute: a community where the members supporteach other’s aspirations and learn from each other.

After his friendly and sincere discussion with the Connect Institute participants,Mr. Dwight Bushleft promising to do his best regarding the needs they expressed, and thought are going to help them continue on the work they are doing and reach a higher level of achievement.

Fatima Zahra El Hafa

The ambassador of the United States of America in Morocco, Mr Dwight L. Bush, SR, payed Connect Institute a second visit to interact with our students and answer their questions.

During the one hour meeting our youth talked about what they acquired in the Insitute, expressed their aspirations, and asked Mr. the Ambassador for the possibilities of providing them with the things they lack and which prevent the smooth flow of their learning process.  Mr. Dwight Bush promised to take our students’ questions back to Rabat and discuss those possibilities with his team.

As he considered our Insitute as a second home for him, the ambassador said that he would be so delighted to come back again as while handing each of the participants medals to keep, and remember that he encourages their cause. The cause of sharpening their skills, taking the initiatives to create, and being tomorrow’s change-makers.

Ikbale Bouziane


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