ÉCRITURE – Liberté du jeûne au Maroc


Pour l’exercice de rédaction de cette semaine, nos jeunes ont lu et discuté l’article suivant :  “Maroc : deux-tiers des Marocains estiment que le non-respect du jeûne doit être puni”. Ils ont été invités à écrire chacun un texte de 100 mots sur le sujet.

Voici la contribution de Soufiane :

In June 6th a poll was done by the daily newspaper L’Economiste, with which they concluded that two thirds of Moroccans believe that those who don’t respect fasting must be punished, on the survey men mostly the older generation, seem to be least tolerant to the issue than women, and the enforcing varies from area to another, despite that law prohibits not fasting on public, Which is absolutely ridiculous, While Many voices are striving for their right to have personal freedom on how they should live their lives, and dictating how they should apply their beliefs, actually it’s a common problem within our Moroccan mindset, that we wouldn’t mind our business, and enforce the same inherited acquaintance and traditions to the new generation for no solid beneficial raison.

By Soufiane Gouiferda

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