DÉBAT – Seth Godin : Apprentissage et Éducation


L’article “But what could you learn instead?”, rédigé par Seth Godin a été le sujet de discussion de la deuxième séance de débat de nos participants. Dans cet article, Godin y exprime son point de vue sur l’éducation qui n’a pas été selon lui basée sur un système qui encourage à l’apprentissage mais plutôt à la consommation. Nos participants ont été invités à débattre sur le sujet et à rédiger un texte résumant la discussion et exprimant leur point de vue.

Voici le texte de Rachida :

“Seth Godin, in his article shows the difference between learning and studying. The first one is more effective than the other in terms of creativity and productivity. 

Learning a skill needs an effort, a commitment, and productivity. In learning there might not be a certificate submitted but instead there is a skill that is learned, while in studying a certificate is given but nothing is learned.

I admit that during my schooling I was a spectator most of the time. I was just consuming as much as I can. I never took any initiatives. I never contributing in any extracurricular activities. as a result I have gathered great amount of information and certificates, but I mostly acquired no skills.

I agree that I found it hard to deal with Connect Institute activities at first because this institution is about learning not studying.

I appreciate that today I’m at least trying to learn something by myself, this gives me so much self-satisfaction and pushes me to go forward and change something in my life. As Godin said “The good news is that each of us, without permission from anyone else, can change that”.”

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