ECRITURE – 100 Mots


Pour l’exercice CLÉ de cette semaine, les participants du programme MOMKIN ont été invités à écrire un texte de 100 mots sur l’intervention de Sanaa El Aji, invitée du FEED #85.

Voici le texte rédigé par Ibtissam Bousbibit :

The Moroccan sociologist Sanaa El Aji  paid Connect Institute a visit, during which we spoke about different topics. Including her personal/professional life, also her recent book, which was based on her phd thesis. In addition to some of her articles published in many newspapers. The conversations were mainly about the sexuality in Morocco, as well as most of the questions. But we also mentioned some controversial topics like the one of Toufik Bouachrin, who is accused of raping and blackmailing almost 20 women.

Among the advices that Sanaa gave us was, make sure to look like yourselves. And I plan to apply it in my life.

By Ibtissam Bousbibit 

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