
Après un stage de 3 mois, Hannah repart à Seattle University

Venue de Seattle University pour un stage de 3 mois à Connect Institute,  l’étudiante Hannah Isbell rentre chez elle, gardant à l’esprit de beaux souvenirs avec nos jeunes participants. Elle nous a écrit ces mots avec beaucoup d’émotions :

« The past three months that I have spent here at Connect Institute have been something that I will never forget. I have learned so many things about myself and the country and culture of Morocco, and I owe pretty much all of this to the Connect Institute and its participants. From learning about Moroccan culture during DARDACHA, to practicing my leadership skills during our morning writing classes or leading [P+100+200] exercises, all of my experiences here were fruitful.

Each session here at Connect Institute has something unique to offer, and helps all participants practice and fine-tune their soft skills that tend to be neglected in the traditional Moroccan educational system. I absolutely love that Connect Institute focuses on educating the human person with a holistic approach, especially since our present day society has begun to forget about these important interpersonal skills since we have begun to rely on our smart phones and computers.

I hope that all participants involved here at Connect Institute will be able to leave (when their time comes) and feel more confident with themselves and what they have to offer to the world, mixed with their outside experience that have gained from university, or other facets of gaining their technical knowledge.

I truly believe that if students at Connect Institute invest themselves, and take the programs here seriously, their lives will be enriched in ways that it is quite difficult to find in other places around Morocco. I also think that this environment not only gives participants a boost in their soft skills, but they will be able to create deep friendships with other people here at Connect, as I have met some of the kindest, most welcoming young people in this space.

I hope that I am leaving a small legacy behind here at Connect Institute with the writing sessions I tried to coordinate, the ‘ToastMasters’ sessions, and the hopeful Darkom program. I can’t wait to see what the future holds for the Connect Institute, because I truly believe that it has the possibility to change the lives of many people – on top of the lives it has already changed out of the people I have met here.

I hope that one day I will be able to return to Agadir, and I will find a thriving organization at this house! »

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