DÉBAT – Cutting The Loop, Rewriting Our Story


“N’importe qui peut porter ses capacités au niveau supérieur. La question est, qu’est-ce qui nous retient ?“ Voici l’une des nombreuses questions traitées dans l’article ”Cutting The Loop, Rewriting Our Story qui a été l’objet de l’une des  séances de débat de cette semaine. Effectivement, chacun de nous a le pouvoir de changer sa vie, alors arrêtons d’alimenter notre frustration et faisons l’effort de prendre les choses en main.

Voici ce qu’a écrit Maryem sur le sujet :

« The article was written by Marvily Meirav HP, a personal life coach, who is concerned with personal and professional development, showing us how to go further with our goals and step out of our comfort zones.

Our realities are just a reflection of the stories we tell ourselves, in other words it’s our personal interpretation to how the world works, which might be positive or negative. However, most of us tend to adopt the negative mindset which focuses on one’s faults and weaknesses, and  blocks the process of going forward with our lives, making us stuck where we are, complaining, and yet not taking actions to change and hence we stuck deeper.

In the early days of mankind, it was all about surviving, but now that we have witnessed great inventions and thanks to technology advancements our concern is no longer limited to our survival but to figure out the purpose of being here and to work hard in order to  achieve it. But turns out that many of us are still stuck with that ancient mental « survival mode », in many aspects, still thinking about surviving rather than living!

This mindset kills creativity and prevents us from experiencing new stuff, challenging ideas and taking ourselves towards next levels, though we might think at times that we’re excellent at what we do, we should be « mountain climbers », always having new destinations and goals to achieve, and those who are not aware of their abilities and prefer sticking to what’s familiar to them are the ones who remain behind.

For all of us, it’s a work in progress , the process of learning and experiencing never ends, and step by step, starting by little actions we’ll be able to deal with our own mental « Darth Vader » and create a new story of ours!

I personally feel so concerned with the topic and it actually made me more determined to step out of my comfort zone by all means and never say yes to a monotonous way of living. »

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