Visit of Paul Rosenthal to Connect Institute


Paul Rosenthal a Democratic member of the Colorado House of Representatives paid our institute a visit, and had the chance to interact with our participants during a very special DARDACHA session that lasted more than 2 hours.
After Paul presented himself and talked a little bit about his career path, his failures, and his hopes and dreams for the future. Our participants shared with the guest what they’ve been learning in the Institute, their passions and their fears.
Paul and the participants also talked about the changes that the world is facing and how individuals can help prevent the dissemination of extremist ideologies.
Human connections such is this one are powerful. The connections we create are the foundation for change. And building relationships with people from different cultures is the key to achieve significant changes in our communities, and why not in the world.



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Bourses AJIAL


L’association TAMAKKOUN (association des lauréats de Connect Institute) a obtenu des bourses pour des jeunes d’Agadir et région voulant rejoindre Connect Institute. Grâce au soutien de la fondation AJIAL, le…
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