Oscar Boyson

Screening of «THE FUTURE OF CITIES » and FEED with Oscar Boyson – Report by Youness Idihoum


Thursday, the 12th of January, we screened the “The Future of Cities”, a documentary that explores how the future cities will look like in different parts of the world. After watching the documentary, we had a virtual FEED via Skype with the documentary’s producer and American filmmaker Oscar Boyson.

He took few minutes to present himself, shared some of his filmmaking experiences and his career path. Oscar underlined the importance of starting with small jobs, instead of waiting for the dream job. As he says, nowadays the employers are looking to hire creative and flexible people, able to work with smaller budgets.

Oscar detailed the way he makes videos, the type of people he chooses to work with and what goes into the process, showing his unique style of producing films. During the Q&A, our participants agreed with Oscar to receive his feedback on the documentary they are currently working on and got advices on how to advance their work. He is also very interested and looking forward to visit our institute, as he is planning to visit Morocco this year.

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TARAB 3 : Reportage sur Bakari Gnawa

Le samedi 14 novembre, Connect Institute organisait la troisième édition de TARAB avec Bakari Gnawa, Les Griot d’Agadir, un groupe issu de la ville de Dcheira qui est considérée comme étant un haut lieu artistique de la région d’Agadir et de la musique Tagnawit, tradition artistique ancestrale transmise de père en fils depuis plusieurs générations.
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