Projection-débat autour du film Sound of Metal de Darius Marder


Les participants de La Coupole ont pris l’initiative de reprendre les séances “projection-débat” chaque samedi après-midi. Pour cette semaine, les jeunes ont choisi de visionner et de discuter du film Sound of Metal réalisé par Darius Marder et qui traite des souffrances vécues par les sourds muets.

Abdessamad partage son analyse du film :  

“Sound of Metal is the title of the movie we watched today at Connect Institute after lunch, by the director Darius Marder. I actually miss this activity because we haven’t had it since last year. 

The events of the film are about a drummer in a band, he became deaf then he faced a lot of obstacles that changed his whole life, especially because he couldn’t play music anymore.

Besides the director doing a great job on the way of shooting in general and in terms of sound that have a very important role in distinguishing this film, most of the scenes were depicted from the perspective of the hero [ Ruben ]. We don’t see event’s without him, all that we know and understand from the movie is what he knows and understands too. And this helps us relate with him.

I liked the cinematography of this film, especially the scenes on the roads. The acting was great too. They make it look easy even though it’s really hard,  they convey to me the general atmosphere and feelings of the characters as if I am with them. 

This movie is a very inspiring and motivating experience that gives you great hope and energy. We had a very interesting discussion about it, especially on how hard change is, but with time and patience, you will adapt to it for sure.”

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