MOMKIN – CINÉMA : 2001, l’Odyssée de l’espace


Lors de l’activité ciFLAM, les jeunes ont organisé la projection-débat du film de Stanley Kubrick “2001, l’Odyssée de l’espace”. Un film de science-fiction sorti en 1968, basé sur un scénario écrit par Kubrick et le romancier Arthur C. Clarke, en partie inspiré d’une nouvelle de Clarke portant le titre “La Sentinelle”.

Commençant par la préhistoire à la mission Jupiter, le film retrace l’origine et l’évolution de l’espèce humaine, depuis les australopithèques jusqu’aux vaisseaux spatiaux. Un film à la recherche de l’Origine de l’être humain, traitant des questions de l’humain et son rapport à la technologie, à la mort, à la divinité, à l’ordre et au désordre, …

Voici ce qu’en a pensé Kamal :


“Sunday 07/12/19 at 15h30 we started the film with 13 attendees, some of them were from DAR MOMKIN program. The film was 142 minutes, which made it hard for a lot of people to focus and understand half of it. I am not gonna lie, it was a stretch at some scenes and not full of action and dialogue. But I enjoyed every single frame of it. It was on my watching list and I tried to watch it a long time ago but I didn’t finish it so, now was the chance.

Some people slept, some kept looking at their phone, some were confused. But at the end when we did the debate, most of the attendees were able to understand even if only a little general idea or what some of the scenes meant.

Marouane, one of Connect Institute participants who saw the movie at Mahir Center, explained and answered some of the attendees questions. But lots of questions were still a mystery and lead to other questions, which was the purpose of the film. 

I would say, it was a positive experience for me.”


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