MENTOR – Aïda Alami / Maryam Reda


Maryam Reda, participante au programme MOMKIN, a rencontré la journaliste Aïda Alami pour la première fois lors de son FEED à Connect Institute. Impressionnée par son parcours, Maryam a décidé de faire son projet de fin d’études sur les articles de Aïda, qui l’a aidée dans ses recherches.

Voici le témoignage de  Maryam :

“I’m Maryam Reda and I have just got my BA this year, Thanks to connect institute, it gives me the chance to meet a wonderful personality such as Aida Alami. In fact, I invest my final research project on here work.

I was very fortunate to meet Aida, December 21st, at our institute as the guest of the 81st FEED. She  inspired me with her journey to become Journalist and I appreciate the sparking wisdom she shared with us from her experience in life.

After meeting her, my curiosity led me to read more of her articles. I love her writing style and the stories she has tackled. Therefore, I decided to do my thesis about her work.

Aida’s work as a freelance journalist, fighting to show the world that media stil presents the truth, still transfers the news as they are, as a journalist sees it, not a kind of company that belongs to a dominant group forcing people to consume it. In fact, we did this research in order to prevent people from consuming “false” media and discovering new methods to get the consumer to a sophisticated media that  promotes his or her critical thinking. Many examples, such as Aida, work very hard, and their works are published in international magazines. They are known worldwide but only few Moroccans who know them because our Moroccan media is blind to experiment. We aim to open the door not just the window for all Moroccans, because being in a dark room and seeing the word from one window  isn’t enough, so that’s why we did this research to highlight all the rooms for our readers.“

By Maryam Reda


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FEED 46 : Les vérités de Nabil Ayouch

Nous avons tendance à oublier qu’avant de faire la Une des journaux, Nabil Ayouch reste l’un des cinéastes et des producteurs marocains les plus talentueux et les plus appréciés de sa génération, avec des films aussi marquants que Mektoub, Ali Zaoua Prince de la rue et Les Chevaux de Dieu.
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