Inspiration (Blog Cover)

Here’s Your Degree. Now Go Defeat Demagogues


Michael Bloomberg, former New YorkMayor, gave the commencement address at the University of Michigan class of 2016.

At his speech, Bloomberg declared that unlike yesterday’s economy, the one we have today is all about information: being creative, learning how to acquire knowledge, and how to use it. And for that, the ability to cooperate by resolving conflicts through reason and critical thinking is the most valuable skill one must have.

Bloomberg declared that: “An open mind is the most valuable asset you can possess”.And that can be gained only through being exposed to challenging situations, views, and ideas.

By Fatima-Zahra El Hafa

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Inspiration (Blog Cover)

L’Ecole Démocratique de Paris

L’École Démocratique de Paris est conçue sur le modèle de la Sudbury Valley School. Elle repose sur 3 principes fondamentaux: l’auto-détermination des apprentissages, l’auto-gestion de l’école par l’ensemble de ses membres et…
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