ÉCRITURE – À la main ou au clavier ?


Durant la séance hebdomadaire CLÉ (communication-lecture-écriture), les participants ont lu un extrait d’un article rédigé par Ewen Hosie, intitulé : The uncertain future of handwriting.

Cet extrait a été lu et commenté par nos jeunes participants, et ont rédigé des textes de cent mots sur le sujet.

Télécharger l’extrait de l’article.

Voici les 100 mots de Hajar Karim, participante au programme MOMKIN.

In his article on BBC Future (2017) “The uncertain future of handwriting”, Ewen Hosie discusses if handwriting can survive in a world of touch screens and tablets. The uses of pen and paper are declining in schools. Nowadays, students use digital devices and type on keyboards since they’re faster and do not require taking the long traditional procedure. Thus, they find more time to think. On the other hand, handwriting provides is numerous benefits, such as improving their motor skills, writing and reading. I find both useful, but each has a unique impact on the brain’s function.

By Hajar Karim


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