ÉCRITURE – 100 Mots – A Note-Taking Method to Help You Read More.


Nos jeunes ont été invités à écrire un texte de 100 mots sur l’article « This Simple Note-Taking Method Will Help You Read More (and remember what you’ve read)« . Ryan Holiday, auteur de l’article, encourage à la lecture et à la prise de notes.

Voici les 100 mots de Asma Achmahou :

Reading this article made me think about my relationship with the book, as I am not proud of making books my least concerns and reading an ordinary activity in my free time, unlike what the author said; « reading is not a pastime, it’s a priority ».Warren Buffett, the greatest investor admitted that the secret of being successful is a book.  books guide to lead future with confidence. Books explore our past, present, and future.the history of humanity  and experiences are all written down We can create and imagine better future during reading books. We can solve millions of present time problems.

By Asma Achmahou

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