DÉBAT – COVID-19 et Maroc


Nous avons organisé une séance débat dans laquelle nos participants ont été invités à lire l’article “COVID-19 et Maroc: la confiance n’y est paspublié dans lapresse.ca. Après leur lecture, les jeunes ont exprimé leur point de vue sur le sujet en commentaires Facebook, puis s’est installée une riche discussion de plus d’une heure.

Voici ce qu’en a pensé Zineb :

Yvan cliche talks about the absence of faith in the government that has been more ocular during this epidemic. he gives some significant justification behind this behavior. He claims that even though the country acknowledges some progress, their so many areas left which should be handled seriously. Education, for example, should be the main concern of the regime; otherwise, the gap between different social classes will always remain gigantic. Cliche demonstrates that this lack of confidence is based on the low living standards and deprivation of job offers. Moreover, it seems that brain drain phenomena contribute to feel more insecure about the ability of facing the virus. While debating they were some who emphasize the crucial role of education that will give access to understand the rights and duties of each individual. another colleague expresses her fear toward the absence of confidence itself rather than what the government is not capable of. However, a comrade sees that we shouldn’t be criticizing without contributing to make better. He invites us to ask what we have done or will do about it in the first place. I think in these circumstances both government and citizens must work hand in hand to control the epidemic, and if we overcome the situation then both should make a huge and serious effort to improve and rectify the country’s weaknesses.

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