Échange avec Guy Malal


Cette semaine, Connect Institute a reçu M. Guy Malal, vice-président de l’école de tourisme à Tel Aviv. Les participants du projet La Coupole ont eu l’occasion d’échanger avec lui et d’en apprendre plus sur le domaine touristique.

Voici ce qu’en a pensé Abdessamad : 

“Today we had an amazing morning session with Mr. Guy Malal, vice president of a tourism school in Tel Aviv. I was very impressed by his fluency in arabic and his knowledge about Islam and the Arabic language as well as his feild which is tourism.

When we talked about the La Coupole project, he was interested and he gave us much advice that might help us build it in a unique way. From his experience, food is just a way to bring people together, we should focus on giving our clients a remarkable memory.

Tourists all over the world love to feel a sense of belonging and to live and connect with the places they visit. The experience must be special, it must be the memory that will remain with them forever. Also, we should focus on knowledge exchange, no matter what the other’s nationality or ideology is.”

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