
La deuxième séance de débat à laquelle nos jeunes ont participé cette semaine dans le cadre de leurs séances à distance, était consacrée au sujet de la vidéo “What skills do students need to be taught?” publiée sur la chaîne YouTube de Arc Skills.

Nous avons invité les participants à regarder, échanger leurs avis puis rendre une rédaction qui résume le sujet de la vidéo ainsi que les avis échangés en concluant avec leur point de vue.

Voici le texte de Imane M. :

“The video shows us, in the first place, how technology is taking control over the world. This conqueration is plainly manifesting itself through the constant evolution of technical tools, that the world is seeing day after day, til the extreme point of new jobs creation and which would require special skills in the future.

These skills are actually called “The 21st century skills” which had been summed up in “self-management”, “communication”, “collaboration” and “problem solving”. In order to master these skills, a modern method of learning in school has been developed in one program called ‘SKILLS21’ and which is being taught, by teachers in classrooms, to children in parallel with education’s basic subjects; science, maths, reading and writing. 

The program conveys and plants ‘the 21st century skills’ in children through new activities like “immersive games”, “interactive quizzes”, “team activities” and “deep reflection”. Activities that would, also, stimulate children’s creativity and intelligence. 

The world has been, is and will always be in a constant change, as Marcus Aurelius once said : “everything’s destiny is to change, to be transformed, to perish so that new things can be born.” 
It’s up to us to choose whether we want to be a part of its creation or not.”

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