Après plusieurs séances de lecture collective et de débat, les jeunes de DARE’IN ont terminé la lecture du roman “Nour, pourquoi n’ai-je rien vu venir ?” de Rachid Benzine.
Un livre qui expose, les échanges entre un père, intellectuel musulman pratiquant, vivant sa religion comme un message de paix et d’amour, et sa fille partie en Irak rejoindre l’homme qu’elle a épousé en secret et qui est lieutenant de Daech.
Voici ce qu’a écrit Abdelouadoude :
« Mon dernier acte dans cette vie sera une belle saloperie : je vais tuer des innocents que je ne connais même pas, pour une cause que je ne défends plus, au nom d’un dieu en lequel je ne crois plus. Quelle ironie… »
‘’ Nour, pourquoi n’ai-je rien vu venir ‘’ is a novel written by Rachid Benzine. It is an exchange of letters between a girl named Nour, who joined her husband Akram in ISIS, and her father. The father is a Muslim practitioner, a professor at the university, and an islamologist who has taught his daughter the libertarian philosophy based on religion that favors democracy, tolerance, freedom…etc a person who constantly analyzes, and questions to find out the truth. The novel quickly shifts from being emotional at the beginning to an actual debate between two intellectuals each of whom tries to come up with arguments and convince the other to join their side. Nour was convinced that by joining ISIS she was defending an honorable and a holy cause with total sincerity. She believed that the mission of Daesh is to unify the Umma and purifying it via the application of sharia law.
What was interesting is that both the father and the daughter were accusing each other of being the victim of propaganda (the west and Daesh). Besides the emotional suffering, the father suffers from Islamism as he was indicted for apostasy and called an infidel and hypocrite due to writing articles that challenge or sometimes do not agree with some of the Islamist ideas, and was physically attacked. Nour gives birth to a girl and named her Jihad. Jihad, gave Nour a reason to live, love and forgive her father for being “unfair to her and for his humiliations”.
The ending of the novel was tragic. That’s when Nour realizes that her father was right, and lost her faith in Allah. She found out about her husband’s evil and inhuman acts that he has conducted, and he began to mistreat her. At the time when she decided to escape with her daughter so that she doesn’t end up being killed by her husband as her friend Houria, Akram finds out. However, instead of killing Nour and Jihad, Akram proposes that he sends Jihad to her grandfather in the condition that she blows herself in a Market at Baghdad. Nour agrees, but she blew herself a kilometer away from town so that she doesn’t kill anyone. She sacrificed her life for her daughter with whom the last letter was sent.