Yoga et Coaching avec Ramona


Pour leur troisième jour d’apprentissage à distance, nos participants du programme MOMKIN ont eu l’occasion d’assister à une séance yoga & coaching, animée par Ramona, qui, pleine d’enthousiasme a partagé avec nos jeunes un bon moment de détente. La séance s’est déroulée en live Facebook. La première partie a été dédiée au yoga, tandis que la deuxième partie a été consacrée au coaching à travers une présentation intitulée “Attitude and success, how one influences the other”.

Voici ce qu’en a pensé Rachida :

“Ramona was live with us on facebook in order to animate her session.
She started by some physicals exercises of Yoga for twenty minutes. Then she shared with us a presentation entitled « Attitude and Success ». 

First, she mentioned a quote that defines success as the state of reaching self-satisfaction in knowing that you did your best to achieve something. Success is about every step we do take day. Because success is built and not given, one should work on it to get it.

As Ramona said there is no magical key to have success, instead there is some steps to follow in order to get it. Make from today a masterpiece to start your trip of success, surround yourself by positive people, focus for today, get a positive attitude, think about yourself, start with more achievable goals and go from there. Those elements are all helpful for creating our own path in this world.

The session was really so interesting, i was fully engaged with everything Ramona was saying. What i liked most besides the presentation is that connection between us. I felt like there is no distance between all of us. For me this is a real success for our community.”

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