Inspiration (Blog Cover)

The Dynamic School


ecole dynamique

Ramïn Farhangi, a former high school math teacher, created an alternative school called “The Dynamic School” in Pars, the 13th, based on two concepts. The first is FREEDOM: kids are allowed to do absolutely anything they want. The second is considering the kids as “human beings” not the property of their parents, nor students but independent members of a democratic society. The idea was inspired by “SUDBURY VALLEY SCHOOL” based in the small city of Framingham, Massachusetts for nearly fifty years (1969). The school was established by the couple: Daniel and Hanna GREENBIRG, former university professors at the University of Columbia.

The results of the Sudbury School are surprisingly incredible.

By Aimane Idhajji


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أنترنيت الأشياء جايا لينا – ترجمة : إقبال بوزيان

النص الاصلي باللغة الانجليزية : هنا شعب الموتشي هو شعب عاش فالساحل الشمالي للبيرو قبل من الغزو الإسباني للقارتين الأمريكيتين بمدة طويلة. كانوا كايزرعوا الذرة و الكورجيط، بناو معابد، و…
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Inspiration (Blog Cover)

Junior Achievement

Junior Achievement est une organisation sans but lucratif qui offre aux jeunes des formations destinées à les inspirer et à mieux les préparer à réussir dans une économie mondialisée.
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