

Salim, 21 ans, est un participant actif et engagé. Ses activités préférées sont la lecture et le video making. Voici ce qu’il nous a écrit sur son expérience à ACT School :

“We are all living in denial. We are afraid to admit and say that our lives are nothing like we want or imagined. My experience in ACT School helped me to overcome that fear and face myself.

My journey so far in ACT School has been astonishing, inspiring and full of new adventures, during which I discovered different lifestyles that don’t subject to the rules of the world I know.

Throughout this time, I came to develop some good habits like reading and writing. Having exams really helped me because when you do something , you do it just because you want to. Working with other unexperienced youths I’ve learned how to listen to others and accept their opinions. How to collaborate and work in a team and even how to manage one.

Now I know what it’s like to a deadline. I love the reading competition asyREAD. I think initiative like this should be nationwide.

ACT School’s participants are from the same region which means that we have almost the same mindset. So there isn’t much we can learn from each other. But when I met other participants from Connect Institute and DAR MOMKIN, I had the chance to test what I’ve learned during my time in ACT School.

I also like FEED. It give us the chance to meet successful people to share their experience with us. The most shocking thing was knowing that they share the same mindset and skills that ACT School is trying to teach us. I was already motivated but having proof that the method works is only convinced me even more .

The most important things that made me express myself is the safe environment that ACT offers. The staff made us trust them from day one and are always there when needed. This whole time I’ve never felt  insecure and I’am very thankful for that .

In ACT School, I have learned that the what is not important, it’s the how that matters. I learned to overcome my fears and that curiosity is key.”


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