Connect Institute

Our Success Stories


Majda Nouri – [18 years old – Agadir – Ibn Zohr University]

Majda once spoke about her passion for Yoga. Connect Institute organized a fieldtrip and encouraged Majda to facilitate a relaxation session on the top of the mountain and that was her first time to do it. Majda now is facilitating Yoga session on a weekly basis for the participants.

Rachid Akdim– [24 years old – Chtouka – Technician in Web Development]

Rachid is passionate about web and computer sciences. Thanks to our support and encouragement, he was able to facilitate an hour of code workshop in favor of 20 participants. He is constantly enhancing his knowledge and made a big achievement by creating an attendance application for Connect Institute.

rachid et majda

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ciLAB (Cover Blog)

ciLAB : Appel à projets

ciLAB est le programme d’incubation et d’accélération d’entreprises lancé cette année par Connect Institute et destiné aux jeunes entrepreneurs. L’idée est d’offrir aux porteurs de projets un espace de travail, un accompagnement d’une année, des formations…
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