Parmi les arbres plantés dans notre jardin :
– Arganier
– Oranger
– Olivier
– Palmier
– Grenadier
– Figuier
– Vigne
– Cactus
– Cyprès
Nous avons invité nos jeunes à faire une recherche et écrire quelques lignes sur cet arbre magnifique.
Voici ce qu’a écrit Hind Chtibia participante au programme MOMKIN.
Connect Institute is known for being a place of diversity and a unit which introduces new ways of thinking. What most people don’t know, is that it doesn’t only contain varied ideas, but also it contains a very rich garden in which we can find different popular, famous plants like Dracaena; a very rare plant that only exists in the middle of the small Athlas’s mountains, Morocco. It is locally known with the name “Ajgal” which means a hanging thing that is hard to reach.
This plant was discovered by Mr F.CUZIN and Mr A.BENABID when they visited Adar village in 1996. It was considered as a member of the Asparagaceae family. Its height can go from 6 till 10 m and it has a very long trunk that get’s devised to three big branches. The laters have many leaves in their end.
The Amazigh use the tree red resin (dragon’s blood) to cure illnesses and the empty tree trunk for beekeeping. However, this tree is facing many dangers since people of the area don’t realize its importance. Therefore, they use it in an irresponsible way like overgrazing.
By Hind Chtibia