La véritable éducation selon Noam Chomsky


Pour la séance de rédaction de cette semaine, en se basant sur la vidéo “On Being Truly Educated”, les participants du programme La Coupole ont discuté de la définition de l’éducation selon le linguiste et professeur retraité du Massachusetts Institute of Technology Dr. Noam Chomsky. 

Voici le texte de Maryem Bouzzit, 20 ans : 

“In today’s session, we discussed a video that answers the question of who is a truly educated person, by the father of modern linguistics « Noam Chomsky ».

He divided his answer into two parts, the first one relies on the classical view that sheds the light on the importance of inquiring and creating without external controls.

Meanwhile, the second view insists on inquiring and creating on the lights of what we are given, in the class as an example, so as to make it a starting point for our investigation.In other words, this approach, encourages our sense of curiosity towards the external world, through not only  questioning  but also knowing what to question, how to formulate questions, and above all, where to look, for we must build our knowledge on reliable sources that can enrich and strengthen our minds and spirits , and hence help us create our own independent paths.

For me, a well educated person is a mountain climber, always curious to discover new destinations and always ready to do whatever it takes to reach the summit which is never the final one !”

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Les participants avaient une semaine pour examiner quelques uns des 23 sujets évoqués lors de la séance précédente. Ils se sont regroupés en équipes de 5 ou 6 pour :…
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