Connect Institute

Exercice des 100 Mots : pas qu’à Connect Institute


The Article of the Week was used and founded for the first time by the teacher and author Kelly Gallagher in order to help his students build their prior knowledge. Kelly believes that it is not enough to simply teach students to recognize theme in a given novel; if students are to become literate, they must broaden their reading experiences into real-world text.

By Youness Idihoum

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Inspiration (Blog Cover)

Lecture: Inverser la tendance

Aux Etats-Unis, à Harvard University, des professeurs éminents se rassemblent pour offrir une alternative aux nouveaux besoins des étudiants. Pour revenir aux valeurs sûres : Engagement, citoyenneté, volontariat … Pour…
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Inspiration (Blog Cover)

UnCollege fournit des ressources pour les étudiants qui souhaitent définir leurs propres voies de formation, que ce soit dans ou en dehors des modèles traditionnels d’enseignement supérieur.
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Inspiration (Blog Cover)

The Dynamic School

Ramïn Farhangi, a former high school math teacher, created an alternative school called “The Dynamic School” in Pars, the 13th, based on two concepts. The first is FREEDOM: kids are…
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