ESAV - Un partenaire de confiance

ESAV – Un partenaire de confiance






Khalid Assallami, Maryam Reda et Ayoub Agourram, gagnants ex-aequo du deuxième prix du Concours Arts Visuels Agadir (CAVA), ont passé un stage la semaine dernière au sein de l’École Supérieur des Arts Visuels à Marrakech.

Durant leur séjour, les participants ont contribué au tournage du film Les citronniers, réalisé par Kylian Erhard. Acting, éclairage et écriture de scénario, les participants ont pu toucher à plusieurs métiers et acquérir de nouvelles connaissances. Le stage s’est terminé par un masterclass animé par le réalisateur français Claude Lelouch, durant lequel il a partagé son parcours et parlé de ses films.

L’École Supérieure des Arts Visuels de Marrakech forme aux métiers du cinéma, de la télévision (réalisation, image, son et montage) et de la communication visuelle (design graphique et digital design). École ouverte à l’international, elle incarne une volonté et un esprit de mixité culturelle et sociale et met en œuvre cette politique

Voici le témoignage de Maryam Reda :

“ESAV Marrakech was a great experience to me. I got the chance to know and discover a lot of things about cinema, meet new people in the same domain and make new friends. What interested me most was the field of script. When I heard it for the first time, I didn’t know what it means. But Omar and Aissam made a great effort to explain everything to me and my friends. The most useful notes I took from them is that script is the eye of the director and the monitor while turning. They are reporting all what happens while filming, making sure that the actors are looking the same in all the sequences and the decoration is in its place as it was described in the scenario. I loved how dynamic they were. You can see that they were writing, fixing and organizing everything. I realized that we are in need of script in our lives as much as we need it in filming, and then whenever I felt tired there was Abdessalam who was always motivating me calling for me to show me new things in the camera and I helped him with lighting. I loved how helpful I was even if I was only beginner in the domain but they never treated me like so. I’m no longer a beginner. In the last day we had a masterclass with Claude Lelouch a writer, cinematographer, producer, and an Oscar winner that I was honored to meet. He made me fall in love with cinema from the way he talked about it : “Cinema is a life story, our eyes are the best camera, the sun is the most beautiful light, and the best smooth montage exists in our brains.”

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