
Dans le monde entier, la reflexion, des expériences, et des projets concrets sont menés pour trouver l’alternative au système éducatif classique qui n’est plus adapté aux exigences de l’époque moderne.

Voici une série d’articles et de sites web qui donnent une idée sur le sujet:

Universities Race to Nurture Start-Up Founders of the Future
The original charter of Rice University, drafted in 1891, established a school here dedicated to the advancement of literature, science and art. These days, Rice seems equally dedicated to the advancement of the next Mark Zuckerberg.

I have never let my schooling interfere with my education
Kids in school today are doing their homework out of fear and pressure, not for the love learning. They’re spending sleepless nights studying to take ineffective tests for subjects they’ll forget about in a week’s time.

Don’t Send Your Kids to College. At Least Not Yet.
Given its known benefits, it’s time to rebrand the “gap year” as anything but a “gap.” When used intentionally, the year before college can be a bridge, a launch pad and a new rite of passage

L’école au Maroc : réintroduire le français ne suffira pas à sortir de la spirale de l’échec
Le Maroc enterré trente ans d’arabisation pour retourner au français

Mena : La BAD brosse un tableau noir de l’enseignement
Dans une récente étude, la BAD scrute l’état de l’enseignement dans la région Mena. Le constat est catastrophique.

Dean of MIT is starting a new university with no majors, lectures, or classrooms
Educators have long known that students learn way better when they are interested in the problems that they are solving. The motivation to make a motor move, or to figure how much a business will make, drive a student to learn the physics or math that are needed to solve the problem.

But How Will I Learn Without Grades?
As we discussed our new schedule and the integrated, Personal Learning component that will lie at the heart of it during a recent student assembly, an eager hand shot up.

Seven Ways School Has Imprisoned Your Mind
Young America is suffering a quarter life crisis. The job market is in the dumps and has been for as long as millennials can remember.

Capital humain : L’éducation plombe toujours le Maroc
La mauvaise qualité de l’éducation au Maroc est une nouvelle fois pointée du doigt par le Forum économique mondial.

Studio Schools
Studio Schools are a new type of government-funded state school for 14-19 year olds of all abilities, but with an innovative and important difference!

The Classroom Is Dead
What if everything about the future of school was the opposite of school? We invited Eli Horowitz and Scott Teplin to consider the school of 2050.

Why America’s Business Majors Are in Desperate Need of a Liberal-Arts Education
Their degrees may help them secure entry-level jobs, but to advance in their careers, they’ll need much more than technical skills.

EDUCAUSE is a nonprofit association whose mission is to advance higher education through the use of information technology.
Voici le site web d’une organisation américaine qui s’intéresse à une autre façon de répondre au besoin d’Éducation selon les exigences de notre époque.

Essential Skills for Undergraduate Life: the 13 Things You Should Know How to Do Before You Go to University
Going to university places you in a whole host of new situations, and with them comes a load of new academic and social skills you’ll need to acquire in preparation.

Engines for education: Education is the kindling of a flame, not the filling of a vessel
Education should teach people how to live or how to make a living. Our schools do neither. They teach how to pass tests about meaningless knowledge that never comes up in real life. Our goal is to provide an alternative.

Ouvert en octobre 1997, Le Fresnoy est un établissement de formation artistique audiovisuelle de haut niveau, cofinancé par le Ministère de la Culture et la Région Hauts-de-France.

Collingwood alternative school
Collingwood Alternative School is a government secondary school which provides appropriate educational opportunities through applied learning practises. We help students to enhance their potential as individuals and as members of the community.

The Alternative school
The Alternative School (known as TAS to most young people) was set up in May 2007 to offer a new and exciting alternative KS4 curriculum for all those young people who are not engaging with mainstream education.

The Surprising Reason College Grads Can’t Get a Job
Nearly everyone agrees that recent college graduates are having an inordinately tough time finding work almost five years after the end of the Great Recession. Young people aged 18 to 34 have struggled with double-digit unemployment and account for half of the 10.9 million unemployed Americans, according to government figures.

Harvard University – Turning the Tide: Inspiring Concern For Others And The Common Good Through College Admissions
Promoting more meaningful contributions to others.
Assessing students’ ethical engagement and contributions to others.
Redefining achievement and reduce its excessive pressure.

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أنترنيت الأشياء جايا لينا – ترجمة : إقبال بوزيان

النص الاصلي باللغة الانجليزية : هنا شعب الموتشي هو شعب عاش فالساحل الشمالي للبيرو قبل من الغزو الإسباني للقارتين الأمريكيتين بمدة طويلة. كانوا كايزرعوا الذرة و الكورجيط، بناو معابد، و…
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Inspiration (Blog Cover)

L’Université doit s’occuper de la personne

L’enseignement n’a jamais été un système rigide et inflexible, mais un environnement évolutif. Aujourd’hui, les défis sont variés et les universités se préparent à former leurs étudiants à différents niveaux, pas seulement intellectuel, mais émotionnel, spirituel et moral.
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Epoque (Blog Cover)

Udacity : Un nouveau système éducatif

Parce que les cursus universitaires ont du mal à suivre l’évolution du marché de l’emploi, surtout dans le domaine de la technologie, nous assistons à depuis quelques années à l’émergence d’une nouvelle forme d’enseignement et de formation professionnelle plus évolutive, plus ciblée et surtout plus efficace.
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