Pour leur deuxième séance de débat de la semaine, nos participants ont lu et discuté autour du sujet d’un article de Shane Parrish publié sur Medium, sous le titre « The Pot-Belly of Ignorance« .
L’article montre à quel point il est important d’être conscient et d’être maître de son apprentissage afin de ne pas être enfermé dans l’ignorance.
Un sujet qui a beaucoup intéressé nos jeunes, qui, après avoir terminé leur discussion, ont travaillé chacun sur la rédaction d’un texte pour exprimer leur opinion sur le sujet.
Voici ce qu’a écrit Kamal :
“The article written by Shane Parrish, the owner of Farnam Street website talks about the type of information like books and articles we read and how it affects us. In addition to its accuracy and relevance.
We have to be able to distinguish between high-quality information that will help us out and Click-bait that people fall for and gain nothing; and that through « Filters. »
Filters or filtering is the ability to know that what you read is trash or worth to put on your brain library by using two approaches: « Time » and « Details. »
By time, we mean, how long does this information last? Or when did it appear? Is it relevant? To answer these questions, we need to identify details. To comprehend the things that people provide, we need to go deeper and observe the slightest details. That’s why most clickbait articles don’t last that long, because it lacks accuracy and quality.
It’s okay to see entertaining news and people, but you shouldn’t let it affect your library. You should know what to remain and what to let go and give an enormous part to knowledge and valuable information, that will help you out through your journey.”