ciLAB – Montage imprimante 3D par Yassine


Après avoir appris quelques notions de base avec Nourddine, un ingénieur en électronique, et fait quelques recherches sur le fonctionnement des imprimantes 3D, Yassine, participant au programme MOMKIN 19 a monté notre nouvelle imprimante 3D. C’est la première fois que Yassine se prête à cet exercice qu’il a parfaitement réussi.

Voici le témoignage de Yassine :

“I came to Connect Institute that Saturday at 11 AM. Everything was going smoothly until I was informed that the 3D printer that we were waiting for has arrived. The pieces of the printer were not assembled, so I had three choices:

1 – Not care at all.
2 – Wait for the 3D printers’ engineer to come in 3 days and fix it.
3 – Take care of it by my own.

Since I’m someone who loves challenges I went for choice number 3. I didn’t know how time much it was going to take, but I wanted to do it anyway.
I took the box, opened it, took everything out, and started to count the pieces to make sure I had everything – I used the printer’s manual to do that-.
I then started to assemble the pieces following the instructions. I made some mistakes but made sure to correct them right afterward.

After I spent over 4 hours assembling it, it was finally ready. At this point I had to turn it on and try to level the bed of the printer. I used Youtube to do that and two hours later the printer was already printing stuff.
This experience might look simple and normal for some but it made me feel like I can do anything I want, that everything is a combination of time, effort and perseverance. Perseverance. That is what our youth lack nowadays and that is exactly what the world needs – ironically enough.”

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ciMAG N°33

Voici les titres des textes que les jeunes ont rédigés dans la 33ème édition du ciMAG : Meaningful Destination Moulat Lbbabouch Mi Fatim الحاجز الاجتماعي فتاة ثم فتات معضلة التفاصيل…
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