Monique : D’hôtesse de l’air à Consul Général


Du métier d’hôtesse de l’air à celui de Consul général, Monique Quesada a construit sa vie, sa carrière, avec soin, persévérance et courage. En conclusion de son témoignage plein de leçons pour nos jeunes, Monique conseille :  » NE LÂCHEZ JAMAIS VOS RÊVES! »
Voici une partie de son intervention:

[…] In the back of my mind I remember I was hearing about a test for the foreign service, which we call our diplomatic core. I remember it was a test and they gave it at the University. We had no internet, you could not go online and research anything. I had to go to the library and ask the librarian « Do you know anything about the foreign service test? » She told me to go to the University of Miami and get some information there. So, you had to go with your legs and do your internet search physically […] every year 20 000 people take the written test and from those 20 000, they would take 2000 to take the oral exam and from the oral exam 200 would pass every year. I knew I did not have a great chance of getting it. I thought, well just try it. The first time I took the written exam I passed it and I went to the oral exam which was an 8 hour exam, very interesting test but there was one part that I did not pass and It was called the inbox test because I never worked in an office before and I had no idea how to manage papers. I thought, I did not pass the first time, am I going to try this again? because it is a long process as you have to fill out lots of forms and the test was kind of stressful and you had to wait a whole year and start all over again. Finally, I pushed myself […] I had to read magazines everyday, I was tearing up pages and keeping files because I figured out that in the test, they were asking you about economics, american history, there were questions about law, questions about american culture, our education system. I was reading everything so that in the oral exam, I would have something intelligent to say when they ask me a question. […] I went again, I passed the written exam, I went to the oral test and I said I am not going to fail that inbox test again. I went to speak with all my girlfriends, mostly girls who worked in offices back then and I asked them how would you handle this inbox test ? […] my friend gave me all her tips, you prioritize, you delegate […] and after the second time, I passed, I was so happy, thanks to my friend Linda that I passed the inbox test.



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