MOMKIN – ÉCRITURE : The culture shock of celebrating Eid in Morocco


Les jeunes de MOMKIN 20 commencent leur premier exercice d’écriture “100mots”.

Lors de cette semaine, nos jeunes ont été amenés à lire, discuter et synthétiser en 100 mots l’article suivant : “The culture shock of celebrating Eid in Morocco”.

Voici le texte de Imane L. :

“In her award winning traveling story, Claire Bassi generously describes her stay in Agadir city during Aïd al-Adha in which she portrays her cultural shock as objectively as possible. 

However, the title screams the gore she’s witnessed which clearly did not appeal to her. She starts her story with the fact that she avoided a four star hotel for a family guest house due to financial reasons. She describes the weather and mentions the heavy presence of “foul” and bread. 

Once on the rooftop, she continues to describes the things and people in her field of vision that are contextualized within Aïd al-Adha.”

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