Malika Zarra

FEED & MasterClass of Malika ZARRA – Report by : Najat AYAOU


Malika Zarra Masterclass took place at Connect Institute, January 18th and 19th, in the presence of 20 participants.

The first day of the Masterclass started at 10:15am, by the FEED of Malika Zarra talking about her personal and professional life. Focusing in her speech on how it is important if we want to reach our goals to set them first and take actions to make them exist. After that, some of the participants performed some musical performances, sharing their passion with everyone. Later we practiced some stretching moves, and worked on our vocals by repeating some voices by the lead of Zarra Malika. Everyone got the chance to stand in front of others to perform something from their choices, and break that barrier of “I can’t sing” or “afraid to sing in front of others”. Malika Zarra worked with each one of us giving advices on how to use our vocals, and the results were amazing after the second performance by the participants. Some of the participants being asked to compose something for the next day to perform it. The Masterclass end at 17:10pm.

The second day of the Masterclass started at 10:00am, by breathing exercises and stretching moves by the lead of Malika Zarra, after that the participants who were asked to compose something performed their work; it was totally different from their performances in the first day, much confident, clear voice, creative… later everyone got the chance to let it out and talk about themselves, goals, their passions.. The discussion really help us get to know each other more (everyone interests), share things, learn stuff from each other, get involved .. Also to rethink about we want and what we don’t want to do. Thereafter, we had a break and watched a stand up comedian suggested by Malika Zarra. Later we composed different onomatopoeia all together by dividing into small groups, creating a masterpiece of musical sounds. The Masterclass come to an end at 17:20pm.

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