FEED #81 – Aida Alami


Le Jeudi 21 décembre, Connect Institute a reçu pour son FEED 81, Aida Alami, Journaliste indépendante diplômée de Columbia University. Aida publie régulièrement des articles dans The New York Times.

Voici ce qu’a écrit Smail Hrim participant au programme MOMKIN :

Aida Alami, is a freelance journalist born in Marrakech, she left Morocco at the age of 18 in order to continue her study in New York, she got her BA in Hunter College specialized in Media Studies, she also got her Masters in Journalism from Columbia University  in 2009. Actually, i’ve never heard about Aida Alami, but, as all connect institute members and MOMKIN program’s participant, I was requested to read one of her latest articles which is written in The New York Times magazine. in fact,  I’m proud that a Moroccan woman regularly contribute in such a big Network  magazine by covering the news of The North Africa. After that Mr.Taha Balafrej the head of the connect institute surprises us that Aida Alami will be our guest for FEED #81, an event in where famous successful people attend to share with us their experiences. During the meeting Aida talked briefly about her life in which she said that she is not active in social medias so that does can’t catch her by throwing rumors, she also added that Morocco is a hard place to work in, especially journalist field,  the first reason why Aida chose to be a Journalist  was her love for writing since her childhood period exactly when she was 9 years old. I actually  enjoyed the meeting with Aida Alami, and I would like to clarify my gratefulness to Connect institute for giving us the chance to meet a successful people from different countries in which we gain new ideas from their  experiences. Finally, I would like to sum up with a wise quote: « If you have an apple and I have an apple and we exchange apples then you and I will still each have one apple. But if you have an idea and I have an idea and we exchange these ideas, then each of us will have two ideas. »

By Smail Hrim


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