FEED 64: Une américaine à Agadir

“Don’t do something you are not passionate about because you will be miserable all your life“.  Lu-Ann Hassanine- Director of ALC Agadir
Mrs. Lu-Ann Hassanine was the guest speaker of our 64th FEED edition. Mrs. Lu-Ann shared her life journey with the youth of Connect Institute. Values such as perseverance, passion, determination and hard work were key to Lu-Ann success and overcoming all the challenges she faced. Lu-Ann since her childhood was hoping to become a nurse. When she joined college to pursue her dream, she realized after a year that it is not what she wanted to do. She did not hesitate to stop and bravely began trying different jobs until she realized that teaching is what she wanted to do. Lu-Ann lived between Morocco and the U.S. before she decided to live in Morocco for a longer period. Lu-Ann life story adds up to the dozens of remarkable personalities who inspire our youth and who constantly stress the up-cited values.
About Lu-Ann: 
American citizen and resident of Agadir, Morocco
The director of the American Language Center for more than 15 years
Married to a Moroccan & a mother of two kids


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FEED 54: Parlons Culture

Culture, identité(s), éducation, originalité, liberté, création, arts, des mots qui ont été l’essence du 54éme FEED: Parlons Culture, le mercredi 10 février 2016 à Connect Institute. Avant l’ouverture de la…
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