TÉMOIGNAGE #9 – Lamyaa



Lamyaa est une jeune studieuse et très engagée. Elle est toujours en tête des classements des participants, qu’il s’agisse de la présence ou des réalisations.

Voici son témoignage :

I was very lost and didn’t know the path I should follow. However, ACT School came as a lamp to show me the right thing to do, and it  was also an opportunity to know myself more, and a great place to learn.

In ACT School I have learned many things, such as how to engage with groups. At the start, I was having trouble dealing with other participants but later on I acquired the basics of dealing with people and realized how to work in groups. I also became very punctual.

My experience has allowed me to get involved and try different subjects such as robotics, web, programming, and design. This helped me to know what I want to study later.

For me, the time and beautiful moments I have had so far in ACT School will always be in my heart. It’s a great experience for me that I honestly do not want to end.

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